Monday, August 27, 2012

I Love Canning

Canning is an art in the south.  It’s something I grew up with.  But most people today don’t do it because it’s a lot of work.  I can just about everything... from different kinds of pepper jellies and salsa to pickled okra and asparagus.  

When it turns cold outside later in the year (hard to believe right now because we’ve had 100 degree heat waves!), I love to open a jar of my jelly and smell the freshness of ripe, summer fruit.  Summer comes rushing back and warms me all over! 
So you’re probably reading this thinking, Lauri Jo, what is canning exactly?   What ingredients do I need to can?  How long does it take?  Can I do this in my kitchen? 
Steps for Canning Fresh Salsa
1. Pick or Purchase fresh tomatoes (I prefer picking my own.)
2. Wash them off real good.
3. Place them in boiling water for about 15 minutes to loosen the skin.
4. After they are cool enough to handle, peel the skin off and put peeled tomatoes in a separate container.
5. Gather other ingredients such as garlic, salt, onion, jalapeños, tomato paste, and any other    ingredients you choose to put in yours. (Now I mash my tomatoes by hand as I am peeling them, but all of my other ingredients I chop in a food processor.)
6. Place all ingredients into a large boiler.
7. Let the salsa cook for 30 to 40 minutes on a good rolling boil. After about 15 to 20 minutes of cooking. (Take a quick taste to see if you need to add any salt, pepper or garlic.)
8. Fill jars while still hot, screw lid on and turn upside down for sealing.

9. Let cool completely and then ENJOY!!!

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